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Established in 1984
Teri Palazzo
Teri Palazzo
AKA Mrs. Vince
Graphics Lady
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Vince's Motorcycle Store
700 Sleater Kinney RD SE Suite B 553
Lacey, Wa. 98503
(360) 754-4900


I have closed the retail store and I am in semi-retirement, But the phone is still on and I would love to hear from you. Also, I will take on the occasional repair or project Please contact me to discuss your needs!

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A New Novel


Looking for the King
by Vince Palazzo
The biker that looked like Sasquatch froze at the words, then clawed at his vest. His gun was barely out of its holster when Steve fired. Dad’s lessons paid off: He didn’t even remember drawing his weapon. The Sig just seemed to appear in his hand. Dad had taught him to aim for center mass, a big, easy target. But Steve wanted to wipe that sneer off that Sasquatch face. The bullet went through the gaping mouth, between the rotting teeth. Sprays of blood and brains hung frozen in time. Sasquatch stood for a moment, then fell backwards. Bits of Sasquatch splashed the buddy’s face. The buddy screamed as Steve fired twice into his chest. The three at the door had their weapons out as Steve threw down on them. Everyone fired at once, and the shooting was over in seconds. Steve dropped his empty fifteen round magazine and reloaded. One of the bikers rolled on the ground screaming for his Mommy. One lay under the bike he had pulled down on himself. He didn’t move.

The third biker dropped his gun. “I GIVE I GIVE!” As he raised his hands he saw the blood on them. Then his face twisted in horror as he looked down and watched the blood pumping from his neck splashing on the ground. His eyes rolled up, and his body seemed to fold in on itself as he collapsed.

Steve felt tired and cold. He looked down at himself. There was a lot of blood. Most of it seemed to come from a hole just under his ribs. He put his hand over the hole as he shuffled to the bikers. He kicked their guns away as he approached the door. Outside, the screaming biker was now quiet and no longer moving. He stared up and tried to say something. Steve didn’t care what he had to say. He just kicked the gun away. Then he went to the other two to kick their guns away. Sirens were wailing in the distance. Steve backed up to the outside wall and used it to lower himself to the ground. He never saw the police cruiser pull up.

Available in paperback and on Kindle from Amazon


4.0 out of 5 stars KEPT ME GUESSING

Reviewed in the United States on February 5, 2025
Great start for a first-time author. I am looking forward to reading his next book.